GFCP delivers successful series of capacity building webinars on flood resilience

Building capacity in the field of flood resilience within our City Partner's organisation (the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, BMA) is a key objective of the Bangkok Decision Support System for Flood Management Intervention (BKK DSS). To make a significant contribution towards this goal, the BKK DSS delivery team recently coordinated and delivered a comprehensive series of capacity-building webinars. These webinars were well attended, and the team received positive feedback from attendees. These events also raised the profile of both the DSS intervention, the FCDO, and Mott MacDonald's role as Delivery Partner for the intervention. 

The BKK DSS team delivered a total of six capacity-building webinars on a variety of topics related to flood management and climate resilience. Several of the webinars also focused heavily on the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) aspects of flooding, including the impacts of flooding on vulnerable community groups, like the elderly, people with disabilities, women and migrant populations.  

Webinar presenters included global subject matter experts, intervention delivery team members, Mott MacDonald and external specialists and Thai government departments, including the Thai Ministry of Interior Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. 

A summary of the various webinars and the topics presented is given below. A hi-resolution copy of the infographic can be downloaded by clicking the attachment at the bottom of this article. 

DSS Infographic

Infographic showing various BKK DSS webinar topics (download below for more detail)

Webinar attendees were from a diverse range of external organisations from governmental agencies, business sectors, and academics including multiple key staff from the intervention’s City Partner. Approximately 61% of webinar attendees were female. An evaluation survey was completed for each webinar to gain attendees' feedback and to understand how the content would benefit their work. An average rating score of 4.62 out of 5 (92%) was received from the survey respondents for their overall satisfaction with the webinar series. It was also suggested from attendees that the webinar had encouraged them to explore opportunities to apply knowledge of flood prevention, city planning for climate change, and green technology to their work. Positive quotes were also obtained from the survey, such as the example below:  

"……this is a great opportunity to get to learn about other cities in the world. If there are other opportunities like this, I'd like to join again." 

webinar screenshot

Webinar participants discuss water transition phases in Bangkok

The webinars included technical seminars run by subject matter experts from Mott MacDonald and other specialists. 

Links to the recorded sessions can be found below: 

Session 1 - 

Session 2 - 

Session 3 - 

Session 4 - 

Session 5 - 

Session 6 - 


Mott MacDonald (MM)


Kingdom of Thailand




Strategy & Planning


Risk & Resilience

Data Systems


Richard Wood

Team Lead, Bangkok Decision Support System for Flood Management Intervention