Creating the Smart City Vision of Bursa

Within the scope of Transforming Bursa into a Smart City Project, several engagement activities were conducted to fully understand the needs and priorities of Bursa and community. Arup and EY (sub-consultant) teams obtained the basic needs of the stakeholders through an on-line survey looking at the smart city requirements of 132 stakeholders. This survey is not only aimed to increase the awareness of stakeholders, but also became a guide for stakeholder interviews. Due to Covid-19, all interviews were executed on online platforms with participation of Municipality. At the final, 172 stakeholders were reached through 77 interviews. In addition to taking the current needs and priorities from stakeholders through the interviews, it is also aimed to establish constructive and long-term relationships by expressing the benefits for stakeholders. Afterwards, with an online workshop with key stakeholders on August 27th 2020, the outputs of surveys and interviews were discussed for validation and all stakeholders agreed on the baseline of strategy work. On September 18 and 22, 2020, online workshops were also held with decision-makers from the Municipality for vision statement of the Bursa Smart City Strategy.




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