Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), which is prepared in cooperation with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), envisages a human and environment-oriented transportation system for the first time in Turkey. The plan is prepared in line with the unique geography and historical values of Istanbul for a sustainable future, aims at a transportation system that promotes inclusive, innovative, environmentally friendly and integrated mobility and accessibility solutions for all citizens in Istanbul.
While aiming to provide accessible transportation services for all inhabitants of Istanbul with a next generation municipal management approach, IMM also works to ensure efficient transportation at all hours of the day. In its search for a solution to Istanbul’s one of biggest problems, which is transportation, IMM also takes climate change into account as the most important variable of the future. With this study, it is aimed to solve the current and future problems before the problem occurs by intervening with the measures determined through different scenarios.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan adopts a human-oriented, inclusive and participatory approach beyond traditional transportation plans, and sets out a plan that brings together different sectors by creating long-term visions and strategies for Istanbul and its surrounding cities. While aiming to make Istanbul's transportation more resistant to climate change, social and economic fragility, SUMP also aims to increase accessibility to every destination of the city and improve the quality of life.
Beyond focusing solely on physical infrastructure services as in the traditional transport plans, this plan also considers legal regulations, financial structure, information and promotion aspects. It encourages the transition to sustainable mobility by bringing together all types of transportation in the functional area which covers Istanbul's surrounding cities as well.
Turkey's first Sustainable Urban Mobility study, Istanbul SUMP, is taking shape with the participation of stakeholders and citizens from different sectors.
Istanbul SUMP expands the vision of traditional transportation plans, builds on the long-term vision and strategies of IMM, and is consistent with the relevant policy areas. SUMP is not limited to the efforts of transportation and traffic engineers, but it is the joint product of engineers, architects, planners, psychologists, economists, public administration, and non-governmental experts from 23 different units of IMM. Turkey’s first Sustainable Urban Mobility study of Istanbul SUMP, participatory structure due to not only by the above-mentioned technical staff, but with the engagement of stakeholders and citizens whose opinions and views are received at every stage of the process. As a living plan, it is always open to learning and development thanks to its regular control and evaluation system.
Social inclusion principle of the plan aims at improving the access to jobs, health and educational facilities and other services by all segments of society (women, youth, children, 65+ age group citizens, individuals with disabilities, immigrants, visitors-tourists-business travellers, low-income groups-unemployed, etc.)
All studies, strategies and projects carried out within the scope of SUMP are developed with the participation of all relevant and influential stakeholders (non-governmental organizations, professional chambers, universities, experts, other public and private sector representatives related to transportation, transportation system operators and citizens).
The main objective of SUMP is to help improve city-wide accessibility. It aims to create a safe, affordable, and environmentally friendly transportation system and an increased service quality for everyone, allowing a more efficient use of the transportation system.
SUMP offers access to key facilities and services for all citizens. Moreover, it is expected that the negative effects of transportation on public health will disappear with the safer transportation system and the support of public transportation and active modes.
Improving the quality of life and increasing the efficiency of the transportation system will directly have a positive effect on the sustainable development of Istanbul.
Some of the benefits of the intervention, which aims to increase the quality of life and mobility of Istanbul residents, are as follows:
• To create an inclusive, user-friendly, and affordable transportation system where different systems are interconnected, and which Istanbul residents can easily access;
• To ensure easy access to jobs, education and health services and similar needs by reducing traffic congestion;
• To reduce air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and transportation-related energy consumption;
• To contribute to ensuring security and peace in the city;
• To contribute to the economic development of the city by improving and developing transportation;
• To improve effectiveness and cost efficiency in human and freight transportation;
• To facilitate the use of public transportation for individuals with disabilities, parents with children, the elderly and children with a transportation system that values human dignity;
• To increase the quality and attractiveness of the urban environment and urban design.