However well-conceived, the ultimate test of any policy, programme, plan, or project is whether it is delivered as intended and whether a monitoring & evaluation framework is in place to take corrective action if required, feeding back lessons learnt to ensure continual improvement. Effective implementation further relies on the accompanying ecosystem created by relevant Codes, Regulations and Standards and this is in turn reliant upon the capacity and capability of relevant stakeholders in both the public and private sectors, including such groups as built environment professionals. Effective implementation also relies on open and effective enforcement mechanisms and capabilities.
In this penultimate session, the British Standards Institution was joined by HM Treasury Infrastructure & Projects Authority to discuss the importance of regulations and standards together with robust assurance and approvals processes for achieving effective project delivery.
Key Takeaways
Principal Contributors
Mr Anthony Burd, Head of Buildings, British Standards Institution
Anthony Burd is Associate Director and Head of Built Environment, British Standards Institution, the UK National Standards Body. Ant heads up the Built Environment Sector team at the National Standards Body. In addition to providing subject matter expertise and thought leadership he also oversees the identification of new areas of research, standardization and supporting product needs, via engagement with key stakeholders from across government and the wider sector. He also oversees the promotion of the standards portfolio to national and international marketplaces.
A Chartered building surveyor and engineer by background, he has more than 32 years’ experience working in the sector, having worked as both an enforcer, and for 16 years was the UK fire regulator and then head of technical policy for the English Building Regulations. Ant has considerable experience in working directly for UK government ministers and representing the UK at European Commission level on construction related discussions and negotiations. Ant is a full member of the UK Government’s statutory Building Regulations Advisory Committee and is Immediate Past President of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers.
Ms Suzana Pramanik, International Lead, Project Initiation Routemap, HM Treasury IPA
Suzana joined the IPA in 2018 and leads the international development and roll out of IPA’s key methodology to build early-stage capacity and capability for infrastructure projects: The Project Development Routemap for Infrastructure Projects, International Guidance (Routemap). This is currently delivered under the FCDO Prosperity Fund’s Global Infrastructure Programme, with a key focus on environmental and social sustainability. Suzana works closely with international governments (specifically in South East Asia and Latin America) to adapt, roll out and deploy Routemap to infrastructure projects, as well as train government officials and multilateral development banks in its use. She also contributes to its development and deployment on major infrastructure projects in the UK.
Before joining the IPA, Suzana worked for the UK energy regulator, OFGEM, leading transformation projects and programmes for renewable energy schemes and corporate change, with a focus on stakeholder engagement. Previously, she spent a number of years in South Africa in public health, education and social justice advocacy, as well as the NHS and higher education programmes.
Ms Karineh Grigorian, Commercial Manager, HM Treasury IPA
Karineh has been with IPA’s International Team (previously known as Infrastructure UK at HM Treasury) since January 2014. In her role as a Commercial Specialist, she is involved with a number International technical advisory projects including working with overseas governments to train and provide infrastructure capacity building, as well as providing infrastructure policy advice to HM Treasury. Her current work involves providing advisory support to the FCDO Prosperity Fund’s Global Infrastructure Programme, which draws on the HM Treasury’s Green Book “5 Case Model” for Project Preparation and Appraisal.
Karineh is an APMG accredited Better Business Cases Reviewer and Practitioner. Karineh’s previous roles have been with a number of major UK PPP projects, as well as Secondment at the National Audit Office’s PPP unit. Her roles include the London Underground’s PPP ‘Contract Reviews Team’ and the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) Strategy & Regulation unit. Together with her work in the private sector consulting, Karineh has experience of public policy, commercial strategy and economic regulatory issues in PPPs and infrastructure projects. Karineh is an IPA certified ‘Subject Matter Expert’ on PPPs as well as a ‘High Risk’ Assurance Reviewer for Government’s GMPP major projects portfolio.
Mr Warren Smith, Global Digital Marketplace Programme Director, UK Government Digital Service (GDS)
Warren has been responsible for ensuring that the UK government’s Digital Marketplace directly supports digital, data and technology reforms. He has led the introduction of user-centred, design-led, data-driven and open approaches to public contracting - the foundation of the step-change in procurement envisioned in the UK Government Transformation Strategy. This has dramatically diversified the government’s digital supply chains: there are over 7,000 suppliers available through the Digital Marketplace; over 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); and SMEs received over £1.09 billion of UK public spend in 2020.
Since January 2018, Warren has led the GDS Global Digital Marketplace Programme to help governments in emerging economies make their procurement more transparent, and to boost their domestic digital sectors. He also leads a number of multilateral organisations’ Thematic Groups, focusing on mainstreaming internet-era approaches to digital public procurement: for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Working Party of Senior Digital Government Officials; and the United Nations' International Telecommunication Union 'United for Smart Sustainable Cities'. Warren has over 25 years’ experience in procurement and supply chain management, across the private and public sectors, leading transformative projects to introduce new ways of thinking and working in public procurement and contracting.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the session, participants were:
The contributors considered the value of a structured project initiation process to help ensure that the right questions are asked at the outset and key risks identified upfront. The value of project assurance reviews was also discussed, noting that an expert, independent and impartial overview, timed to coincide with key project milestones, can help to achieve timely corrective action when required. Contributors also discussed the fact that ‘Smart’ procurement is outcomes-based, focused on long-term impact and value for money, not simply least cost. The role of standards in helping to promote knowledge-transfer was also recognised
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